about us

Deby Dixon has been visiting Yellowstone on a near daily basis for the past 12 years and sharing her love of the wild through her photos and stories, on social media. Her adventures in the park and tales of the wildlife, particularly the wolves, have earned her much admiration on Facebook from those who love to keep up with Yellowstone. While in the park she takes photos, hikes, watches wildlife, camps and talks to people about the animals. Her favorites are all of them – the tiny pika, the little red dogs, the wolves, bears, deer, elk, fish, otters, foxes, coyotes…she doesn’t care much for the mosquitos but luckily they only visit for a short time each year.
Deby came to Yellowstone in October 2012 with plans to spend the next six months learning about the wolves. But, when she got to the park and realized that six months would barely scratch the surface of what Yellowstone offers, she just never left. Everything fascinated her and still, today, she feels like she is learning all of the time.
Her photos have been published in magazines, books, billboards, websites, etc., all over the country. She has written for numerous newspapers, as well as National Parks Traveler. A recent story was published in the Washington Post and was the number one story of the day, throughout the country.
Deby was injured and forced to retire from law enforcement at an early age. It took her years to figure out what she wanted to be. After more injuries and crucial life changing moments, she decided to live each day as if her last. Yellowstone excites her, as well as capturing images, whether for memories or to sell. She is living her dream but has found that dreams don’t come easy.
Follow Deby’s adventures on her blog, The Yellowstone Daily, or on Facebook (see links at the bottom of the page.) Or, come spend a day with Deby, learning about photography – the ethics, how to find the wildlife and tips on getting great photos.

Contact Deby at [email protected], or 406-641-0931
Facebook photography page: https://www.facebook.com/wildmemoriesbydeby